Monday, July 18, 2011

10 years from now?

I imagine what if after graduation in college being a college students.We go on different way's,go in different fate and after those ad venture's and struggles that we have in unexpected place an time we will meet again,face each other and feel happy for each in everyone that they become a successful in there way's And remember  when were a college students in the past.. :D

Friday, July 15, 2011


My life completely revolves with computers (and other techie stuffs) which lead to my interest in taking Computer Science or Computer Engineering back then; however, due to the ambition of working as a corporate manager of an IT company in the future, I also want to take Management.

Moreover, I also considered the demand/job opportunities of the course, But the bigger part of my decision came from my Dad ECE gusto niya,
he didn't want me to take up CS or CE because there's a small number of job positions for ECE kinuha ko :D

Wesleyan one of the most popular school in cabanatuan.